Tuesday, July 31, 2007


July 1, 2007



Toyota Motor Philippines Corporation Workers Association (TMPCWA)

Represented by Ed Cubelo, President


Support Group for Philippine Toyota Union TMPCWA in Japan

Represented by Masamichi Yamagiwa, Joint Representative

Dear comrades, friends, advocates, supporters, organizations and labor unions,                

We are seeking your support for and participation in our 2007 Anti-Toyota Global Campaign which we are planning to launch this September!

Six years have already passed since 233 members of the Toyota Motor Philippines Corporation Workers Association (TMPCWA) were dismissed in the struggle for their right to collective bargaining. While living a tough life each, the dismissed workers are still continuing their struggle together with their family members in solidarity with their comrade workers at work inside the Toyota plant. On the other hand, Toyota continues to neglect the decision by the Supreme Court of the Philippines in favor of TMPCWA and, in addition, to defy the ILO recommendations as well as all the voices of workers from all over the world.

Protests against this callous behavior of Toyota disregarding local and international opinions extensively prevailed among workers across the world. This resulted in the Anti-Toyota Global Campaign conducted in 45 nations in September 2006, mainly by the member workers of the International Metalworkers’ Federation (IMF). Taking inspiration from this highly-successful campaign, we sincerely wish to replicate this world-wide struggle and launch another global campaign against Toyota this year .

In this regard, we humbly ask you, either as an individual or as an organization, to support the struggle of TMPCWA by participating in our Anti-Toyota Global Campaign this September. Our demand is to reinstate the dismissed workers of Toyota and to implement the collective bargaining.

We seek your support in promoting this campaign widely to your network.

Program of the 2007 Anti-Toyota Global Campaign in September

Date: From September 9 to 16, with the main focus on September 12

Details of Campaign:

(1) On September 12 or 13, organizations and individuals from across the world are simultaneously to send a protest letter to the Toyota Headquarters in Japan via email or fax. Email address or fax number and a sample letter is going to be posted on August 20 on the website of TMPCWA http://www.tmpcwa.org/index_html and the Support Group for Philippine Toyota Union TMPCWA in Japan http://www.green.dti.ne.jp/protest_toyota/, respectively.

(2) If possible, organizations around the world are encouraged to launch a protest picket or rally in front of factories or service offices of Toyota and the Embassy of Japan during the campaign period.

Below-mentioned is the schedule of our campaign to be conducted in Japan with the participation of TMPCWA:

September 9

Nagoya City

Protest activity at Toyota Building in front of JR (Japan Railway)’s Nagoya station

September 10

Toyota City

Protest activity at the Toyota Headquarters

September 11

Yokohama City

Encouragement Rally

September 12


General activity at Toyota Tokyo Headquarters

We sincerely hope you could be able to add your activities in this list.

Thank you in anticipation of your wholehearted support.
Supporters for the 2007 Anti-Toyota Global Campaign in September

If you wish to support the demands and struggle of TMPCWA and participate in the 2007 Anti-Toyota Global Campaign in September as a supporter, please fill out the application form and send it to the email address or fax number written below, with the name of your organization and representative (or the name of you yourself and your organization if you are going to become a supporter as an individual), mailing address, email address, fax number, and phone numbers. If you use email, fax or telephone, please make sure to include your addresses or number in your return application form.

For the convenience of our campaign preparation, we would greatly appreciate it if you could give us your communication by August 15.


Support Group for Philippine Toyota Union TMPCWA in Japan


3-63-901 Oppamahigashi-cho, Yokosuka City, Kanagawa, Japan 237-0063







Please turn over to next page which brings an Application Form for you.

Application Form for Participation

in the 2007 Anti-Toyota Global Campaign in September

To Support Group for Philippine Toyota Union TMPCWA in Japan

We / I will participate in the Campaign as an organization / individual.(Please check)

Name of organization:

(Name of representative):

Name of individual:

(Name of your organization):

[Is it possible for us to disclose your name?: Yes / No ] (Please check.)

Mailing address:

Email address:

FAX No.:

TEL No.:

Your signature:

Date _______________2007

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