Thursday, February 1, 2007

Struggle will continue...

Toyota and its sweetheart company union TMPCLO already finished the bogus CBA, there is no other issues inside the factory for them, aside from the continuous activities of TMPCWA members inside the factory. The harrassment, intimidation and discrimination to the members of TMPCWA still there.

TMPCWA continuously organizing the rank and file workers. Even though TMPCLO was recognized by the company and claiming they got the majority of the rank and files workers that signed the ratification in the bogus CBA, but still we gain more stronger support from the workers.

TMPCLO got some 573 signatures in the ratification of CBA by the help of another yellow union of supervisory and by the management. More than 300 rank and file workers who did not sign the ratification and still believing to TMPCWA in exposing the real motives of the company to recognized the yellow union TMPCLO.

Many of the workers who signed the ratification do not like the leadership of TMPCLO. The workers said they signed the ratification because they loved to get the beneits that is long overdue but they do not love the leadership of the yellow union. Many of these workers wanted to withdraw their membership to TMPCLO before the signing of the CBA but the bogus leaders of TMPCLO are threathening them if they will resign to the union they cannot recieve signing bonus amounting to P25,000.00.

The members of TMPCWA strong position not to sign the ratification and strongly shouting that it's just a small amount of money. TMPCWA members inside cannot betray the genuine fight of the workers specially the fight of the illegally dismissed members of TMPCWA.

To the workers surprise, the members of TMPCWA also recieves signing bonus. The company claims that they give signing bonus to other rank and file workers even not the members of TMPCLO because of the request of the leaders of TMPCLO. Many of the members of TMPCWA are laughing on this announcement made by the company. Some members of TMPCLO are very angry to the leaders of TMPCLO because the leaders of TMPCLO promised to them that the TMPCWA members will surely could not get signing bonus.

Another thing is the First Vice President for the H.R. Department Lito Aligada was axed to his post and was demoted to Production Department Manager. There are two of them who handle one position. Mr. Marcelino and Aligada.

Maybe the company realized that Aligada is no longer effective to handle his former position. But for TMPCWA the best thing for the company to do is to kick-out Aligada outside Toyota, as he is one of those Management people who put the image of Toyota as number one union buster. Aligada is also one of those who cause big problem between the workers and the management. We believe that sooner or later, the company will surely kick Aligada out of the company.###

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